Human Rights that Australia has to have


Thanks for responding to our request for support

Content for the Donate page is currently under development - We want your feedback and input - please email Us with your ideas and suggestions for this page. As well we are seeking volunteers to get involved in making this a successful project.

Our grass roots are showing at the moment.

We understand that our 'grass roots' are very visible right now so if you noticed and can see how your input can improve us then don't hesitate to contact us as we are in need of people with an interest to assist us by taking part in the management of a page that touches where you are passionate and see the need for the development of a suitable article for inclusion in our Initial Draft and then later for inclusion in our Final Draft pages

Would you like to sponsor a particular page? Talk to us about your interest.

You can help by looking at some of our examples on pages like the Veterans page as these give a good idea on what an 'article' consists of and how it tries to describe in simple precise language the meaning and spirit of the article. The finished statement can take a while to get the precision needed however the first thing is to get down a description that can be discussed and refined to the point where it is clear and unambiguous about what it intends to provide for those that this particular article is addressing.

If you feel the issue of child sexual abuse by the religious and those in positions of trust, power or authority are important to you in the society you live in then please support us via PayPal or direct. If you are not sure then please explore more of our pages here online.

Donations can be made via PayPal (above). Donations are not tax deductible at this time.

Direct deposits can be made to:
      NAB (National Australia Bank)
      BSB: 084-938
      Acct No: 94-607-3577
      Acct Name: Global Initiative #3577

The Donate page is in need of one or more financial or other sponsors Contact us to discuss the rewards of a sponsorship here at the Bill o'Rights project.

End of this Article - don't forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

"Being a part of this evidence based reasoned humanitarian response to the sexual abuse of children and taking a stance towards developing the best Bill of Rights possible for all Australians is one of the best imitative of 2018" Andrew Klein